Roadmap of Artificial Intelligence in Colombia


A look at the future with innovation

The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Minciencias), under the direction of Yesenia Olaya, has presented the 'Roadmap for the adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Colombia'. This strategic document establishes guidelines for the responsible implementation of AI in the country, guaranteeing an ethical and sustainable approach in the development of policies and strategies related to this emerging technology. The initiative seeks to promote technological advancement in Colombia.

This document is articulated under the objectives of the National Development Plan 2022-2026: 'Colombia world power of life'. And it was created from the mission-oriented research policy of MinCiencias and had the participation of various actors, including representatives of the national government, experts, academics, scientific researchers and the productive sector.

The event takes place in a context marked by the challenges in AI that have driven the national government to promote progress and inclusion towards an ethical, equitable and responsible knowledge society. The recent announcement made by UNESCO to select Colombia to be part of a project on AI ethics stands out, in collaboration with the European Commission.

"AI can be a catalyst for Colombia's transformation. What motivated us to embark on this journey was the power of innovation and technology to drive the development of economic policy and directly address the structural challenges facing it." “Colombia faces, related to reducing the digital divide, the transition to decarbonized economies, increasing productivity, adapting to climate change and combating inequality,” highlights the minister.

In addition, the Ministry of Sciences is advancing in the formation of the first committee of experts in Artificial Intelligence, in charge of advising the government in the formulation of policies and strategies to promote scientific research and technological advancement. Likewise, by 2024, the development of the Intelligent Colombia program is planned, which seeks to promote technological development and innovation in AI to contribute to the social and economic development of all Colombian regions. "In an increasingly digital world, artificial intelligence is presented as a fundamental tool to positively shape the future of our nation. Scientific integrity, responsible governance, inclusion in education and effective collaboration between universities, industry and society, are essential elements on each page of this strategic document,” said Minister Yesenia Olaya, during the presentation of the IA Roadmap and explained that this roadmap includes five strategic points.


The 5 foundations of the artificial intelligence roadmap in Colombia:

• 1. Ethics and governance of AI: Discusses the importance of privacy, responsibility, accessibility and transparency in algorithms, promoting citizen participation in decision-making. It involves the creation of laws and regulations that address the ethical issues, responsibilities and rights related to the implementation and use of AI.

• 2. Education, research and innovation in AI: Seeks to establish inclusive educational programs to ensure that AI contributes to equal opportunities and the development of talent in AI. This is achieved by facilitating access and understanding of this technology at the community level, training professionals and students, and promoting research in academic institutions. The objective is to promote an educational model focused on the skills necessary to take advantage of the opportunities and face the challenges of this new work and educational paradigm. In addition, the creation of research and development centers specialized in AI is proposed in collaboration with educational institutions and companies.

• 3. Innovative and emerging industries in AI: The idea is to facilitate the incorporation of artificial intelligence technologies in production processes, promoting collaboration between companies and academia. In addition to promoting education and training programs to prepare the workforce. Intersectoral collaboration is proposed to establish ethical and regulatory frameworks in data processing and governance. The active participation of society will maximize the benefits and mitigate the risks associated with data access and exchange in the digital transformation.

• 4. Data and organizations in AI: Encourages collaboration between companies and organizations to share data securely. It also provides support to companies in the adoption of artificial intelligence technologies and training for effective data management. These advances represent a unique opportunity for Colombia to boost its economic development and improve the quality of life of its citizens. The adoption of Industry 4.0 not only involves technological aspects, but also requires a joint effort, a cultural and educational change, and a long-term vision.

• 5. Privacy, cybersecurity and defense in AI: Focuses on aspects such as territory management, the aerospace industry and early threat detection systems, using artificial intelligence in an ethical and transparent manner to strengthen the effectiveness of security forces and guarantee the protection of Colombian citizens. It seeks to positively impact the lives of citizens by developing AI-based solutions that innovatively and ethically address security, social, economic and environmental issues.


Ágata, AI implemented in Bogotá The District of Bogotá has presented an innovative platform that uses artificial intelligence and bots. Ágata, the District's data analytics agency, which has stood out as unique in Latin America since its creation in 2020.

The team behind Ágata analyzed 30 cases of city-focused data analytics agencies, both public and private, to identify best practices. They opted for a model that builds a data and analytics ecosystem in which the work of the public and private sectors converge. Among the most notable projects that use this tool are: Attention to citizens: Through the use of artificial intelligence in the analysis of conversations on social networks and the identification of Requests, Complaints, Claims and Suggestions (PQRS), communication between citizens and the District Mayor's Office has been improved, streamlining responses . Health Sector: In collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Ágata is developing solutions based on descriptive and predictive analytics to improve public health management. This includes creating internal dashboards and models to prevent and predict diseases. Job Search: Through the 'Bogotá Works Connects You' initiative, the city is modernizing the job and talent search experience using artificial intelligence and bots. People can use this platform to search for job offers and receive recommendations based on machine learning models.

Yeapp, innovation powered by artificial intelligence The future with artificial intelligence is presented as an invaluable opportunity for humanity. In an increasingly digital world, AI provides us with innovative solutions that improve our quality of life and help us face the challenges of the 21st century. From optimizing processes to developing more accurate medical diagnoses, AI allows us to move towards a more efficient and sustainable future.

At Yeapp, we have a set of powerful tools that boost business profitability and they are YeappTools. These tools offer comprehensive solutions to improve business management, decision making and resource optimization. Its services include advanced analytics, task automation and personalization of the customer experience. Among YeappTools, YeappView stands out for its artificial intelligence integration.

This AI-powered tool, integrated with ChatGPT, revolutionizes the way companies manage their data and reports. YeappView uses AI to analyze large volumes of data quickly and accurately, providing valuable insights that drive productivity and business growth. The combination of artificial intelligence and services such as YeappTools takes us to a new level of efficiency and competitiveness in the market.

These tools not only improve the profitability of businesses but also offer innovative solutions that meet the changing needs of customers and the market.

At Yeapp we are committed to contributing and taking an active part in the implementation of the artificial intelligence roadmap in Colombia and working on the five strategic points to promote the technological development of the country. We are committed to contributing to the progress of Colombia and the region, and we firmly believe in the transformative potential of artificial intelligence to achieve this goal. We consider it important to promote the ethics and governance of artificial intelligence, ensuring the privacy, responsibility, accessibility and transparency of information. Furthermore, with our products and services we will make it easier for companies to incorporate artificial intelligence technologies and digital transformation in Colombia.

We are confident that supporting the adoption of AI in production processes can contribute to improving the country's competitiveness in the global market. In conclusion, artificial intelligence is presented as an invaluable ally at the service of humanity and the implementation of artificial intelligence in Colombia represents a unique opportunity to promote the technological, economic and social development of the country. AI not only offers innovative solutions to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of Colombian companies, but also promotes equal opportunities, transparency and citizen participation in decision-making. Additionally, by strengthening education, research and intersectoral collaboration. By joining the AI ​​roadmap and working on strategic points, Yeapp is contributing to taking a crucial step towards a more promising future for the benefit of all Colombians.